Warren Notes She’d Be ‘Youngest Woman Inaugurated’ as Democrats Debate Leadership

BIDEN: [garble] Winston Churchill.

ALBERTA: American history.

BIDEN: I was joking. That was a joke.

ALBERTA: Appreciate it.

BIDEN: Politico doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.

ALBERTA: Oh, we’ve got a great sense of humor. They wouldn’t have put me onstage otherwise.

ALBERTA: Are you willing to commit tonight to running for a second term if you are elected next November?

BIDEN: No, I’m not willing to commit one way or another. Here’s the deal. I’m not even elected one term yet, and let’s see where we are. Let’s see what happens. But it’s a nice thought.

ALBERTA: Senator Klobuchar, you had your hand raised.

AMY KLOBUCHAR: Thank you for asking a woman this question. I think — first of all, we have not had enough women in our government. When I was on Trevor Noah’s show once, I explained how in the history of the Senate there was something like 2,000 men and only 50 women in the whole history. And he said if a nightclub had numbers that bad, they would shut it down. However, it is not just about numbers. It’s about what you get done, and that is my argument. If you look at the state that knows me best, and that is the state of Minnesota, it showed in the state that Hillary had her lowest margin of victory, it showed that I’d beat Donald Trump by 18 points. I beat him with men more than anyone on this stage. So I think what matters in this election is, can you bring in those rural and suburban areas, particularly in the Midwest, and number two, what will you do when you get there? And I am someone that has passed over 100 bills with men and women, with Republicans and with Democrats, including changing the sexual harassment laws for the United States Congress, a bill I led so taxpayers are no longer going to have to pay for people that harass other people.

I have passed a law for drug shortages. I have done work in our rural areas. I think that’s what most matters to people. I would be so proud to be the first woman president. But mostly I want to be a president that gets things done and improves people’s lives.

ALBERTA: Thank you, Senator Klobuchar. Senator Warren, you would be the oldest president ever inaugurated. I would like you to weigh in as well.

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