Americans who wish to read the findings of the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III already have a wealth of options. This week, two different published versions of the report appear in the top ten on Amazon’s best-seller list; Google around and you’ll find an untold number of outlets (including The New York Times) offering digital versions. There are even audiobooks.
But an upcoming version might be most dramatic of them all.
Beginning Saturday night and running through Sunday, the theater companies New Neighborhood and Slightly Altered States, along with the arts and media company DMNDR, will host a 24-hour public reading of the Mueller report in Queens. “Filibustered and Unfiltered: America Reads the Mueller Report” will take place at the Arc, a Long Island City venue.
The director Jackson Gay conceived the project, which started as her half-serious Facebook post but has grown into an event with over 100 volunteer readers. Participants are scheduled to include the theater directors Anne Kauffman, Leigh Silverman and Annie Dorsen; Oskar Eustis, the artistic director of the Public Theater; the actor Michael Urie; and the playwrights and performers Taylor Mac and Eisa Davis. Mac’s own marathon show, “A 24-Decade History of Popular Music,” became a 24-hour-long must-see in 2016.
Ms. Gay said musicians will play during some portions of the report that have been redacted. Yet despite the music, and the heavy participation of theater-world figures, the intention isn’t to dramatize, she added.
“It’s not meant to be a performance,” she explained. “It’s meant to be a bunch of people coming together and finding their voice. We shouldn’t just sit back on our couches and let other people tell us what to think.”
In this way, the Mueller reading differs from another recent government document performance, “Is This a Room: Reality Winner Verbatim Transcription,” in which the theater company Half Straddle turned an F.B.I. transcript into a stage play at the Kitchen in January.
This weekend’s reading was announced before Mr. Mueller’s televised public remarks Wednesday about the special counsel’s Russia investigation, but Ms. Gay said she sees it as a fitting response: “He was basically in every way possible saying, ‘Could everyone just read the report?’ That’s the main thing I got.”
“It’s really just about our responsibility as American citizens to read this thing that we paid for,” she added.