On Politics: Images of Missiles Prompted Debate Over Iran Threat

The White House rejected another round of document requests from the House, expanding on its assertions that Democrats in Congress lacked a legitimate legislative purpose for the demands and were inappropriately replicating the work of the special counsel.

The president issued an order to ban American telecommunications firms from installing foreign-made equipment that could pose a threat to national security, escalating a battle against China by effectively barring sales by Huawei, the country’s leading networking company.

As the United States and China openly contemplate how to inflict economic pain on each other, the rest of the world now frets about becoming collateral damage in a trade war.

Clasped hands, gripped arms and “God love ya.” While campaigning in New Hampshire, Joe Biden made clear that he is relying on a set of old-school retail politicking skills to connect with voters.


Today’s On Politics briefing was compiled by Margaret Kramer in New York.

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