Actress Jameela Jamil branded British media personality Piers Morgan an “irrelevant s**t stain, smeared across our country” on Twitter after he criticized her appearance on the cover of British Vogue.
“The Good Place” star is featured alongside 14 other inspirational women on the front page of the magazine’s September issue, titled “Forces For Change” and guest-edited by Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.
In an op-ed published in the Daily Mail on Monday, Morgan berated Jamil for her historic criticism of female music stars during her time as a columnist for Company magazine.
“The list of women Jamil has abused and shamed for falling short of her lofty moral standard is long,” Morgan wrote, citing how she’d “hoped Cardi B and Iggy Azalea ‘sh*t their pants in public,’” “accused Miley Cyrus of being ‘a vagina without a platform’” and “compared Beyoncé to a ‘stripper.’”
Morgan also claimed that Jamil is “self-evidently the complete antithesis of ‘equality, kindness and open mindedness,’ not least when it comes to women.”
“She’s also been an outspoken campaigner against magazines airbrushing models and celebrities to create an illusion of unrealistic beauty standards,” he added. “Yet which magazine has arguably done this more than any other? Why, Vogue!”
Jamil responded by pointing Morgan to her pinned tweet from December 2018, in which she admitted to previously being “slut shamey” and “judgmental.”
“My PINNED tweet is all of the mistakes I made, owning up to being problematic when I was young. I have nothing to hide,” she tweeted Monday. “You are old, and still a problematic slut-shaming, fat-shaming, misogynist, irrelevant shit stain, smeared across our country.”
“He is just the thirstiest bitch alive,” Jamil added in a second tweet.
Morgan gave this sarcastic comeback:
Morgan also used his op-ed to accuse Markle of being “shamelessly hypocritical” and caring more “about promoting herself than the Royal Family of Britain.”
“Two months ago, Meghan Markle was reportedly ‘too busy caring for her baby’ to meet the President of her own country on his state visit to the UK,” he wrote. “Now we discover she was in fact preoccupied with the birth of another elitist production – Vogue magazine.”
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